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Specimen preparation and screening track

  • Freezing with the GP2 or Vitrobot - Users send samples in, and SECM4 staff will vitrify and screen

  • Freezing with the Chameleon - Users send samples in, and SECM4 staff will vitrify and screen

  • Specimen preparation training - Users will come on site for hands on training on specimen preparation

  • Vitrified grid screening - Users will send frozen grids in, and the SECM4 staff will screen them

High-resolution data collection and processing track

  • 1-3 days of high-throughput data collection - Users will send pre-screened grids, and SECM4 staff will collect high-throughput data. Scheduling will be dependent on staff availability. Higher priority scheduling will be given if users can collect their own data.

  • cryo-EM instrument training - Users will come onsite, and get training on using the TEMs


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