You will get an email once your application is accepted that contains your project ID number and a url to a form for scheduling services. The project ID is the required for gaining access to SECM4 services, so be sure to keep track of it. If you lose it, you can email the SECM4 staff at to remind you. You will need to fill out the service scheduling form every time you want to use SECM4 services or equipment. A snapshot of the form is shown below.
The form is self explanatory with the exception of a few fields. In the Sample Description field, please include information about the sample, its concentration, and buffer it is prepared in. Please note that the preferred date is only a suggested date. The SECM4 staff will coordinate with you to solidify specific dates for your service. Finally, please note that a supporting image is required. For the Specimen Preparation and Screening track, this can be a picture of a gel, a negative stain micrograph, a SEC chromatogram, etc. The intent is to provide the SECM4 staff with information that will assist with specimen preparation tasks and to provide users with feedback about the likelihood of success for a given sample. For the Data Collection and Processing track, there is an expectation that the grid will have been screened, and that high-throughput data collection will result in structure determination. Therefore, the supporting image should demonstrate that the sample is of sufficient quality for data collection, e.g 2D class averages, a preliminary 3D reconstruction, etc.